To all our Supporters, Fans and Bavarian Tiger Members.
We wish everyone of you and your families some beautiful X-Mas days and a great start into 2014. We whould like to thank everyone who is in duty, far away from home or in our Squadron in Neuburg
severed from their families.
2013 was a very exiting year for us. The birth of the "Bavarian Tigers" in March, the Tigermeet in Norway after only 3 Month of founding the Bavarian Tigers. The Spotterday whith great support
from other Tigersquadrons and the NATO Tiger Association. -THANK´s- to all of them who made this happen and to all the Tigermembers who keep the Tigerspirit alive with their effort - in the past
and in the future.
We are looking forward to our "German Homeplay" at the Tigermeet 2014 in Schleswig! We will be prepared and hope to see many of you there!